How To Present Your Investigation

You have 20 minutes in the room with the judging panel.

15 minutes to present and 5 mins for questions.

The time limit is very strict!

  1. There is a PowerPoint template if you need it!
  2. Introduce your team in the shortest possible way.
  3. Use pictures and maps to help you describe what you want to communicate.
  4. Use notes to read from if needed.
  5. Remember a good summary can save the day!

Your presentation must detail the following:

  1. Show the danger area indicating the infrastructure that has been directly impacted.
  2. Show the wider island, indicating the infrastructure that has been impacted due to interdependencies.
  3. Detail your evacuation plan indicating locations, routes, and logistics.
  4. Detail the recovery plan. Covering the following:
    1. What temporary measures you will put in place.
    2. How long it will take to restore each infrastructure function.
    3. How much it might cost.
    4. What wider, long-term impacts this will have on the island.
  5. What could be done to help make the island more resilient in the future?

You will be given a 5, 3 and 1 minute warning. At the end of the 20 minutes, you will have to stop and let the next team in!

Download Presentation Template

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